Welcome to Blue Pearl's wholesale or consignment page.
We offer wholesale pricing for those interested in purchasing our products in bulk. Our pricing is tiered based on the quantity ordered, with discounts of the regular retail price and we offer consignment options for select partners. We're committed to providing competitive pricing while maintaining the highest quality standards for our products.
If you're interested in placing a wholesale order or consignment, please contact us at hello@bluepearlbali.com
Our team will respond within 2 business days with pricing information and instructions on how to place your order. Payment can be made by credit card or wire transfer.
Thank you

Experience the captivating world of Blue Pearl perfumes through our stunning display photos, where the art of fragrance meets luxury at its finest. Our luxurious and sophisticated fragrances are beautifully showcased in the photos, giving you a sneak peek into the refined and elegant nature of our brand.

Our commitment to luxury and sophistication is not limited to just the fragrance itself it extends to every aspect of our brand, including the packaging. Our stunning and high-quality packaging is crafted using only the finest materials, with intricate designs that reflect the refined and elegant nature of our perfumes. From the smooth and sleek finish to the intricate details, our packaging exudes luxury from every angle. It's not just about protecting the perfume, it's about creating an experience that starts from the outside in.